Sunday, June 17, 2007

My Side of the Story

If you've read PURELY COINCIDENTAL, then you know Rem Henkirsun's side of the story. But there is another side: mine. I'm here to tell you the truth as I understand it. It'll be up to you to decide who to believe.

I am not callling Rem a liar. I don't name call. I'm just saying that what he said in PURELY COINCIDENTAL is one-sided.

One thing that Rem and I agree on is that "Hazel Green" isn't my real name. I have no problem writing under my own name. But if I did so hear, the people who read Rem's book wouldn't find me. To those readers, Rem's favorite author is "Hazel Green." Only by using that name can I made sure Rem's readers--if any--will find this blog.

I wonder if anyone has found this blog? If you're reading this, please post a short ote or send me an email.

